Thursday 29 May 2014

Aiman (Sinopsis)

Cerita ini adalah mengenai seorang remaja, Aiman (14) yang disabotaj oleh sebuah kumpulan perdagangan manusia dan diarah mengemis di bandaraya Kuala Lumpur bersama rakannya Jon. Pada satu malam di markas kumpulan mereka yang berada di sebuah gedung lama, Jon dipukul teruk oleh ketua pedagang manusia itu dan secara tiba-tiba diacukan pistol pada kepalanya. Cerita berakhir dengan satu bunyi tembakan yang kuat bergema dalam telinga semua orang dan Aiman memegang pistol tersebut dan mukanya dipenuhi percikan darah.

Public Screening

Few day after Screening Night, we have a small meeting at Monday class. We discuss about our public screening at Amphitheater Alam Bina Fac on the next Tuesday. I was scheduled to the Affairs Group with Suhung. Our job that day is make sure the place is clean after the public screening. Then we discuss about what food should we have for the night and some of other details as well.

On 27th March, it was the D-day for Public Screening. It was once a dream of mine to publicize our own film production to the public audience. And thanks to this class, end up it come true. We prepare the present for exchange and reach there around 7.15pm. O_O!! I was shock because there is no one else there!! But then after we waited for couple minutes more and more coursemate show up and hey! here it is everyone, it feel more real than ever. Then we wait for the technical group to done the set up and the 14 production to once again played before my eyes.

When u watch once the screenplay at Armada Hotel with a better light dimmer and environment, you definitely agree that a good surrounding will give the production a better space to shine. But even though the lighting is not dim enough, but the production were still catching my eye. Once again i sit down relax and watch the all 14 video all over again, shout at the same scene, laugh at the same thing and touched by our "LOVELYPOP" again. I was amazed because everyone was watching and focus at our production.

Around 10.30pm, all 14 video ended with Epilogue, and we have a small refreshment for all. And the most enjoyable time after it was the present exchange session, where we make a small circle, put the present on the floor and walk around them. When the music stop, the present in front us is a small gift given to us on that night. Even though all the gifts are not expensive, but it warmed my heart and seeing some are really putting effort to wrap it nicely.

Director Journal Week 8,9,10,11 & 12

Week 8
Kumpulan kami telah menghabiskan penggambaran yang akhir pada cuti separuh penggal yang lalu di Melaka. Pada asalnya, kumpulan kami akan pergi ke Melaka bersama-sama, namun bagi mengurangkan kos perbelanjaan, akhirnya Zizi dan Suhung sahaja yang pergi dan bersama Hisyam mereka berjaya menyiapkan fasa penggambaran dan menyelesaikan semua masalah. Hisyam akan menyuntingkan shot-shot yang diambil dan menyelesaikan post production sebelum SCREENING NIGHT!!

Week 9
Pada minggu ini, kami diminta untuk menerangkan semula slide yang dipelajari sebelum ini. Biarpun tugas saya sebagai PROPS telah tamat sekian sahaja, namun kelas ini banyak lagi yang kami perlu pelajari dan banyak lagi yang kami tidak faham tentang kursus ini. Saya berpendapat, cara pengajaran Dr Azalan minggu ini amat berkesan berbanding minggu lain. Hal ini kerana kami tidak lagi mengantuk atau bermimpi dalam kelas, tiba-tiba kelas kami menjadi bersemangat dan bergurau senda apabila rakan salah menjelaskan maksud benar slideshow tersebut. Namun kami tetap berfokus kepada kelas dan menunggu "kemunculan" jawapan sebenar.

Week 10
Hmm~ tiba-tiba kami diminta menyediakan satu sinopsis dan akan diberi markah berdasarkan sinopsis ini. Dan selepas pitching, kami dikehendaki untuk menaip dan upload pada FACEBOOK kursus SENI PENGARAHAN FILEM. Secara jujurnya, saya langsung tidak berbakat dalam membuat cerita. Seperti yang dikatakan oleh Steven Spielberg, "people have forgotten how to tell a story. Stories doesn't have a middle or an end anymore. They usually have a beginning that never stop beginning." Masalah terbesar semasa pembinaan satu plot cerita itu, saya selalu menghadapi masalah untuk meneruskan cerita kepada klimaks dan seterusnya pengakhiran cerita. T~T Akhirnya, Dr Azalan suruh saya redo sinopsis saya, alamak!! saya langsung tak tahu bahagian mana yang kena buat semula, atau seluruhnya perlu dibuat semula?!!

Week 11
Pada minggu ini, kami telah mengambil ujian bagi setiap kumpulan produksi. 10% keseluruhannya tetapi kami diminta untuk hadir pada hari Selasa jam 3 petang. Kami diminta untuk menyediakan segala hard copy yang ada dan bersiap sedia untuk ujian tersebut. Amat saya gementar kerana akan mewakili kumpulan kami untuk menjawap soalan ujian. Nasib baik akhirnya Hisyam yang mengganti saya. Namun kami ada ujian kali kedua bagi kelas Produksi TV dan markah keseluruhan kali ini adalah sebanyak 20%. Kami diminta bersedia dari segi:
Aspects of evaluation?
1. Narration (story, dramatic appeal, 3 act structure)
2. Sound (music, dialogue, silence, narrator, sound effects)
3. Shot (focus, frame, angle, movement, space, sets, light, color)
4. Editing (order, cuts, duration, rhythm, continuity, montage).
Dengan pengalaman Hisyam daripada ujian Selasa itu, kami cuba menyediakan diri dengan soalan-soalan yang akan ditanya. Misalnya, jenis shot, jenis-jenis cut dan membaca semua slideshow yang diberi oleh Dr Azalan sebelum ini. Meskipun ujian-ujian ini hampir "membunuh" saya, tetapi secara jujur setidak-tidaknya kami akan mengulangkaji pengajaran kursus. Dan kali ini, saya, Ameera dan Shuhada pula bersama-sama Director kita, Hisyam mewakili kumpulan produksi lolipop bagi ujian ini. Akhirnya, kumpulan kami mendapat keputusan yang agak memuaskan. (XD haha dan rasa soalan kali ini sangat mudah, kadang-kala berasa ingin sangat menjawab bagi rakan yang tidak dapat menjawab dengan tepat)

Week 12
Satu minggu sebelum Screening Night kami diberitahu bahawa kami hendak menyediakan transport ke Armada Hotel sendiri. ALAMAK!! sakit kepala dah kali ni. Tetapi rasanya kami sempat tumpang van jabatan kot.
Dan kami digemparkan sekali lagi dengan ujian temuramah daripada pensyarah UPM, Dr Rosya. O_O!! Sudah agak terlambat semasa saya mendapat tahu tentang ujian ini. Langsung tak bersedia!!! Dan tidak seperti minggu lepas, soalan-soalan yang ditujukan oleh Dr Rosya amat profesional, teknikal dan sukar untuk saya. Namun, selepas Dr Rosya menonton hasil produksi kami, beliau mengemukakan beberapa cadangan dan pembetulan. Dengan ini, kami menyedari kepentingan perancangan suntingan, jalan cerita, ideologi periklanan dan elemen-elemen lain yang harus dititikberat dalam penghasilan sebuah iklan yang sempurna. Pengajaran hari ini amat berharga, hal ini kerana kami telah mendapat pengalaman yang amat bernilai dan profesional daripada Dr Rosya.

Sunday 18 May 2014

Screening Night 2014

     3rd Screening Night 2014 which is held at Armada Hotel Petaling Jaya on the last Friday (7.45pm) was the 2nd screening night i have attended. And i can sure that, this year Screening Night is better than the previous year. No matter the flow or the hotel to the performance and the video production. We have a total of 14 production to be shown that night with a total duration of about 1 and a half of hour. It is totally different feel because this year i join as a production crew, and what we care the most, is the final product of our creations.
     Feeling excited cause we are going to watch the final production of ours in the public after 10 weeks working on it. And same goes to 13 other production which i have heard about them long time ago, but yet watch once any of them.Feel proud of those director cause they really did a great jobs, from preproduction, to the production then to the editing post production and the last but not least those breath-taking valuation (penilaian). 
     Definitely, i join as the crew of Commercial "Lovelypop" and ah~hah! We sit in the front row which let us to watch the video from the nearest distance. When it finally come to the screening of Lovelypop, im really nervous and curious for the final product. 1minutes plus is a very short and standard duration for a commercial video clip, but it is long enough to take my heartbeat away. And here it go, that the final product we have been working hard for. The only i could say is, it is very awesome and it credits to my director, Hisham and all others crew.

   Looking at other production, one of the most im interested was Epilogue. It make me curious with the atmosphere between the 2 actors Will it be a romantic 1st date film?Or will it be just a short scene of 2 strangers? This is what the photo try to tell me when it was used as the cover photo. So, at the screening nights, we got the answer. It is a story telling 2 foreigner's love story abroad, in the 80's background. But what i like the most about this film is the beginning part, when the girls arrived and waiting for the guys to come, and when the guy arrived, they dint say a word until he make a cigarette for himself. The shots and cuts is beautiful and emphasis the emotion of the 2 characters.

Sunday 4 May 2014

Never Been Kissed

"Never Been Kissed (1999) starring by Drew Barrymore is a story about a writers who back to her high schools life being an undercover for her latest covered issue. Despite she is now an adult,but she still having problem to be friend with high school kids. This time, she try her best to change it and ask her brother to help her to be famous.

But when her friend was harmed at the prom night, she reviled herself as an undercover and said: “All of you people, there is a big world out there... bigger than prom, bigger than high school and it won't matter if you were the prom queen, the quarterback of the football team, or the biggest nerd in school. Find out who you are and try not to be afraid of it.”

Like many others movie, when it come to the end of the movie, director would put a lesson for the audience as the ending or resolution after the climax of the story.

So the quotes from her, would be a reminder and at the same time a warm-heart decending action between climax and the end of the story. It as a conclusion will put an end for the story and pictured audiences how was all the mess been settled and their life move on. Some movie would probably add-on few scene at the back of the decending action to explain what happened to the characters after it. Like what the director of Never Been Kissed, Raja Gosnell did is, he put a short story of the main character confess her love for the teacher and they end up as a happy ending, a sweet and soft touch for a twisted ending.

Saturday 26 April 2014

Kill Bill Vol.2

 The movement of camera in Kill Bill 2 bring a different feel for the audience. Every scene could make a different interpret for the story and below is some examples from the scene of movie Kill Bill 2.

At the beginning of the movie, a medium close up for the bride in the car suggest that the story is continuing as she keep on driving in car travel to get her revenge.
Then its a close up scene for her flashback and tell the audience how serious she been beaten up the day she was having her wedding rehearsal. And took the life of her baby which drive her for revenge.
The close up scene is used to show how close the bride and Bill stand together with their foot are just few inches apart. It show how the bride feel so comfortable and believe in Bill when he come and visits her after months she disappeared. 
Then the scene is pull back a bit with a long shots where Bill witness the Bride to continue her wedding rehearsal. Putting others in the background of the shot, the camera is focus on Bill and his viewpoint at the moment. As Bill is the bride lovers, the scene shows audience how angry and sad for Bill when witnessing his lovers married to another man.
Then the scene pulled back to outside the church to emphasize the 4 assassins have arrived the church where she have her wedding rehearsal going on, bring along weapons but everyone in the church is not aware of their arivals.