Saturday 26 April 2014

Kill Bill Vol.2

 The movement of camera in Kill Bill 2 bring a different feel for the audience. Every scene could make a different interpret for the story and below is some examples from the scene of movie Kill Bill 2.

At the beginning of the movie, a medium close up for the bride in the car suggest that the story is continuing as she keep on driving in car travel to get her revenge.
Then its a close up scene for her flashback and tell the audience how serious she been beaten up the day she was having her wedding rehearsal. And took the life of her baby which drive her for revenge.
The close up scene is used to show how close the bride and Bill stand together with their foot are just few inches apart. It show how the bride feel so comfortable and believe in Bill when he come and visits her after months she disappeared. 
Then the scene is pull back a bit with a long shots where Bill witness the Bride to continue her wedding rehearsal. Putting others in the background of the shot, the camera is focus on Bill and his viewpoint at the moment. As Bill is the bride lovers, the scene shows audience how angry and sad for Bill when witnessing his lovers married to another man.
Then the scene pulled back to outside the church to emphasize the 4 assassins have arrived the church where she have her wedding rehearsal going on, bring along weapons but everyone in the church is not aware of their arivals.

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