Saturday 19 April 2014

Lizzie McGuire The Movie

A movie that come from a Disney Teenage Girl Drama Series. It was a drama series rocking almost every teenagers in the early 21 century, and the movie (2013) was a story about the character, Lizzie McGuire who just graduate from her middle school and having a trip to Rome, Italy.

And it was so eyeballs catching for a quite special reason. The main character is having an anime small duplicate of herself. This is what making this drama series so cute and it also reflect the another side of her true-selves, her own monologue with a new and cute style. This "little Lizzie" at the beginning of movie was so surprising audience because seldom have any drama or movie will did so. And it was originally voiced by Hilary Duff.

 And the beginning of the movie, it start with Lizzie singing in her room and she have a nice voice, look so ordinary as a teenage girl and confidence. But when she was ask to give the graduate speech, she was so nervous and end up spoiling the graduation. All of this show she was just an ordinary teenage girl and like every teenage,we mess up thing and less confidence in front of public. Plus the anime character, it also shows us how interesting this Lizzie McGuire as a happy teenage girl because she is so normal and simple, yet it also show the real feel inside of her.
And as many teenagers in US, she was about to have her graduate trip to Europe. And audience has totally no idea what was waiting her there.For the story is about her amazing journey being a duplicate of a famous Italy singers, the beginning of the story is highlighting the "ordinary" of Lizzie McGuire life

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