Sunday 2 March 2014

Forrest Gumps ^O^

Forrest Gump, a movie and a story about a little kids with a Below-average intelligents but how his life was so inspiring people, especially the Americans.
  The story begins with Tom Hanks sitting on a bench waiting for bus. He met some strangers and he start to tell them story of his life.
When he was young, he was diagnose to have a lower IQ than normal kids. For instance, he believe that hardwork could bring him success without any doubt, even tough he faced problem and obstacles in his life. End up he was a successful and well-known footballer even the coach called him "just a local fool".

Then he join the military and save life while the war. He was so brave and rescue the team feeling fearless which end up won him a Medal of Honour from Presidents as appreciating his courage at the Vietnam War.
It is quite hard to believe such miscellaneous life would really happen, especially nowadays people are living with more individualism and materialism. He some how inspires us, not to admire him, but stop being corward and start to believe in ourselves.

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