Monday 3 March 2014

Kill Bill

It shocked me when the first scene shown was a lady lay on the ground with bruises and blood all over her face. And we can hear there is someone walking nearer and nearer and nearer. It sound like a horror movie for me, or some extreme documentary home violence one. And when the shoes sound stop, and Bill start to talk, we can know that the girl is having a baby, she claim the baby was belong to Bill, the man who might the one hurts her so bad. And i notice she was laying on some soft chiffon. Why would he put her on a soft chiffon and beat her up so bad? Are she still pregnant or just give birth? But out of sudden, our attention was caught by the gun shoot and "poop!" to next scene.

Then the titles of the movie shown. It call "Kill Bill", so i guess it was a story about the girl revenge on Bill killing her baby? She was then drive to a normal house with a pinkish pickup track. She really make me curious of her personality. But end up we know by the next few scene, the car was stolen from hospital nurse.
And in the house, she insist not to kill a mother in front of her daughter and she said it is not because of her rationality, but sympathy and emotionally control. End up she got herself an apologize and she wanted to walk away from the house before being attacked and killed the mother.
Then we know who she is. She was a bride in her wedding when attacked by her other assassins colleagues at her white wedding gown. That is how the whole story of revenge started. The mother that she killed was one of the assassins who took the other 9 people life in that massacre including her broom and baby she was carrying. They punch her and put a bullet at her head, but that bullet dint kill her but put her in coma for 4 years.
When we was wondering the timing and scene was so confusing because all the plot is not in sequence, the scene jump once again to hospital, where she was laying and this hot chick came out trying to kill her. But from her we realize that "the bride" was also once of them, the assassins under the leader name Bill. So "Kill Bill" doesn't mean she is revenging a guy, but a assassins group under Bill, where she were once one of them too. But she got survive as they let her go, said kill her with the bullet and the thing they do to her is enough.
 So when she woke up the first thing she think of is revenge. And once again the plot jump to the first target of her, O-nei Isshi, played by Lucy Liu. And with her, Sofie Fatale, they are the 1st on her revenge list. And their fight with all the body guards and in the backyard of Japanese house was stunning. But i perhaps feels it was trying to show some Hong Kong martial art action movie in his own way. And they even put a real Hong Kong Action Stars, Liu Chia Hui in the movie and that the best part. But disappointing me, his character dint really have the real scene in action to fight the Bride. But it show her mercy as well as she dint kill every of them,but chop off some limbs and leave the alive.
But we can feel that the director was trying to include some different element in the movie, as previously he had us some violence massacre and revenge for the storyline. Action scene when she was fighting with the mother, and her toughness when she tried to hypnosis her own legs (kinda funny) and cure her legs. And in the movie, we found it crazy because the director put a scene of anime for the origin of O'ren Ishii. It make me feel it was a low budget movie at first, but end up im feeling excited to watch it and begin to understand the director is trying to show different elements and ways of shooting in this product. Cant wait for the next Epi!!

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