Monday 24 March 2014

Week 5 Director Journal

Now this week some group have get their first rehearsal shoot which consider the pre-production yet. But from these video we found some mistakes or imperfect which could be improved more. Very excited about our own production but we do have more experience by watching others. Its kinda like a precaution and reminder for us as well what to do and what we shouldn't do to get a perfect shot. I thought its kinda awkward to judge on people shooting because we are not even meet the camera yet, but in fact, it was a good experience though to learn together and their difficulties might be ours. When we share our shooting together, we learn more than just within our group, how the camera should shoot from, long or short shot is more perfect, and argument makes us more confidence as we will remind ourselves not to repeat the same mistakes for our rehearsal and real shoot.

  At the same time, we are still preparing for our rehearsal shoot. It was suppose to take place on next Friday near Kelana Jaya. Quite headache about the props but it shall be fine by then as we will have osme replacement for some props yet. And for some reasons, people seems to not so confidence on me, and one of this man say to me today, that im not serious enough and i might ruins the shoot. XD HAHAHA, thanks for the reminder but yeah i suppose he is right, im very playful and joyful and Miss "what so ever" sometime, but when it come to my jobs and my group, i will put all my responsibilities on it, even sometime i might take over the leaders jobs (but try hard not to, dont want to be bossy anymore).
And our group is presenting our plan for PREP again. We have our real shoot time and venue (a nice place from the picture by river bank !!!! <3 love!!!) and our props, and budgets for it. Soon after this we will have one last meeting and then its time for rehearsal shoot before the final meet ups for preparing our real shoot at 11-13 April!!

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